City Beats
Curated by Berit Fischer

Laura Bruce (Germany) - Rainer Ganahl (US) - Dryden Goodwin (UK) - Alexander Heim (UK) - Ben Judd (UK) - Stephan Pascher (US) - Jeff Preiss (US) - Alex Villar (US) [
See artists introduction]

The urbanscape can best be understood as a site in which multiple spaces, temporalities and webs of relations are co-present, and in which local sites and subjects are tied into globalising economic, social and political systems.
Similar to the implications of rhythm, the pulse of a metropolis is pervaded by regulated recurring patterns and repetitions of behaviors, habits and urban rituals. Prescriptive codes that define daily life correlate with micro geographies in which the human body defines the social and biological rhythm.
The artists in City Beats respond to both physical architecture as well as sociopolitical and psychogeographical environments and structures. They apply their own sets of codes to decompose and re-configure general frameworks.

While interrogating the ways our daily actions are conditioned and controlled, the constructed mechanisations of life and belief systems of the socially-produced space, homogeneity and collective discipline are scrutinized, fostering the development of a critical attitude towards what otherwise might often be ignored or taken for granted.
City Beats employs video to compile a cacophony of glances at non-events within the urban commonplace and offers new ways of looking at the structured relationships between time and place, private and public, framework and content; it creates a temporal look at urban space and the human condition within it.




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